Eyebrow dye though it brings out the beauty in a woman then
care should be taken when applying it in the eye, because it is a very delicate
organ of the body.
What most people are not aware of about this dyes is that majority of them are hair dyes which are made with chemical such chemical are harmful to the eyes when it gets into the eyes during eye tinting. Thus if you must dye your eyebrow must take proper care to prevent any side effects and must make use of hair dye that is safe, this are hair dye recommended by the FDA.
What most people are not aware of about this dyes is that majority of them are hair dyes which are made with chemical such chemical are harmful to the eyes when it gets into the eyes during eye tinting. Thus if you must dye your eyebrow must take proper care to prevent any side effects and must make use of hair dye that is safe, this are hair dye recommended by the FDA.
That aside that, if you want to dye your eyebrow you have to
make sure to look for colour that compliments or matches with your hair, for
example if you have a black hair then your eyebrow should be lighter in colure
or if your hair is blond or brown then your eyebrow should be darker in colure,
thus avoid matching your hair colour with the your eyebrow colure as this will
not fits.
How to dye your eyebrow
Here are some of the vital tools that must be on ground for
you to effectively carry out the dying process. Hair color dye, pencil or
applicator brush, clean bowl and a mirror.
- To start with you need to get rid of the make up and oil substance off your face by washing with water and soap and toweling it , also prepare the eyebrow by brush it before applying the dye.
2 Apply
a small amount of jelly cream around the eyes as this will help prevent
the dye from entering the eyes
- Mix the dye in a bowl as instructed in the manual or if using a powder type you can use a pencil or the brow brush
- After mixing the dye use the applicator brush to carefully apply the dye to the brow , make sure it is not too much on the brow or else it starts dripping then you can wipe off using a cotton wool
5 Wait
for thirty mins to allow to dry, that is all you have just dye your